I feel incredibly blessed. Blessed to be single and 45 years old! This might be counterintuitive. Why wouldn’t I want to be happily married with a couple children living the suburban life somewhere. Isn’t that the dream? Well, it’s not the way it worked out for me and for many women in their 40’s and 50’s. And that’s okay. I actually think we are the lucky ones!
Why? If you are married, maybe you are lucky enough to have a partner whose sexual appetite matches yours. And maybe sex with the same person for years hasn’t gotten old… but I have to say I cannot imagine being with the same partner for years on end. Ever again. Ever.
Why is sex better in your 40’s? Only about 62% of women aged 45 to 54 are currently married, according to the US Census Bureau. About 3% are widowed, 19% are divorced, and almost 4% are separated. But with the upsurge of online dating (Tinder, anyone?) it’s not likely you’ll be alone for long. And with your new single gal status comes a sense of sexual freedom: “Once women are out of monogamy, many rediscover their sexuality, which is very freeing for them,” notes Streicher.
That has been the story of my life in my 40’s. A complete rediscovery of my sexuality.
And I am very much looking forward to continuing the journey! According to prevention.com, “The middle years, between 50 and 65, constitute the apex of adult life,” says author Gail Sheehy in Sex and the Seasoned Woman. “For women, the passage to be made is from pleasing to mastery.” Mastery is right: The National Survey of Sexual Health and Behavior found 71% of 50-somethings said their last sexual experience resulted in an orgasm.
Mastery is in my future!
So what about all this Tinder business? How does it work? Is it safe? Am I going to find a relationship that will be satisfying from a dating app? Can I really meet an incredible lover? Is it okay to date a younger man?
YES!!! Yes to all of the above! I am very proud to tell you that I have figured it all out for you! I have been out there, made some mistakes and sorted out the best way to get your needs met. And I partnered with sex educator and g boutique owner, Cheryl Sloane, to give you the whole scoop for embracing your sexuality and navigating the world of dating apps to get what you want and what you deserve.
We invite you to join us for our exclusive, limited, online master class. You won’t be disappointed. Now is your time. JOIN US!
. There are limited seats available.
It’s 2017. Let’s do this!
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