I usually write from a local watering-hole in Chicago where I have my regular seat at the end of the bar and a glass of red wine or two. Today I have the fortune of sitting on the beach under an umbrella on the gulf in Florida and writing from here is luxurious. The vastness of the ocean and the calming sound of the waves seem somehow appropriate for the very last day of 2015. An appropriate setting for some reflection of the year behind and for the year ahead.
2015 was a year of huge personal transformation for me. After many years of being in an unhappy marriage, this was my first year as a single woman. I spent the year digging deep into who I was and who I am and who I want to be. I spent the year re-discovering my spirit and my dreams and my desires and exploring freedom in so many ways. I sang. I danced. I mourned. I cried. I drank. I traveled. I read. I wrote. I laughed. I loved. Not necessarily in that order and I participated in some activities more than others.
As I sit here listening to the waves rolling up on the shore, I am thinking about the year ahead. Tonight people all around the world will make resolutions. It’s the universal day to examine your life and criticize yourself. Our resolutions tend to be about things involving will-power like losing weight, drinking less and quitting smoking. We tend to resolve things we want to fix in our lives or about ourselves.
What if we all made resolutions to do more things that give us pleasure? Just this morning, my friend was telling me how she once made a resolution to drink more champagne! How fabulous is that?! As I look forward to 2016, I resolve to cultivate inspiring and rewarding friendships. I resolve to see as much art and hear as much live music as possible to continue to feed my soul. I resolve to nourish my body with lovely food and wine and let my senses enjoy all of it. I resolve to continue the amazing exploration of my sexuality. I resolve to continue traveling and learning about different cultures in the world. And I resolve to drink more champagne!! Cheers to 2016.
What do you think?