I went on a first date recently, with a man who was actually not age-inappropriate (though still younger – c’mon, who do you think you are dealing with here?!). I had resisted meeting said man for over 6 months. It’s a long story, but the net is that I think I knew this man could be more, a lot more, than my usual casual relationships. And six months ago I knew I wasn’t ready for that. Now it’s debatable.
When he suggested meeting for a drink at the top of the Hancock Building in Chicago, I knew this date was going to be different. Special. Inspiring. On the 96th floor of the Hancock Building in Chicago is a bar called Signature Lounge. From the lounge you can enjoy the awe of the panoramic view of the city and Lake Michigan and even though it’s filled with photo-snapping tourists, it’s an incredibly romantic spot. There we were. The city lights glistening. The sun setting. The feeling of being on top of the world was palatable. Within a short time, his hand was holding mine and all was right in the world.
And according to an article in the Washington Post, my new fav newspaper thanks to my Kindle Fire and free access (yay Jeff Bezos!), the location for a first date can have a major impact on the success of the date. Michael Hardy says, “I have a simpler theory, though it’s taken me more than a decade, and hundreds of dates, to arrive at it. The key to a good first date, in my experience, isn’t what you and your partner talk about. It isn’t liking the same bands. It isn’t how much money you make, what you look like or what you wear. It’s about choosing the right date location. That’s right: The most important factor in determining the success or failure of a date is decided before you and your partner even meet.” Interesting, right?
More from Mr. Hardy, “What do all of these bars have in common? First, none of them have TVs, which means no sports and no jersey-wearing, beer-swilling bros. Second, they have the vibe of a Mediterranean cafe or Italian trattoria, with a mix of casualness and romance. Although a date at these spots may begin with wine, it can easily segue into dinner if the mood is right. Finally, and perhaps most important, these venues have a relaxed, intimate atmosphere. Waiters aren’t hovering, waiting for you to finish so they can seat the next pair of diners. Lingering over a bottle of wine is not just tolerated but encouraged. It’s the opposite of speed-dating.”
Yes to a mix of casualness and romance! I adore places like Mr. Hardy described. And I have been thinking more about good first date spots as a result. And as he said, dates with the right vibe can segue into dinner. As mine did. Happy dating, ladies. Use these criteria for good first date spots.
What do you think?